Psychological support

Both the conservative and surgical treatment of scoliosis is a major test for the whole family not only mentally but emotionally as well and during this difficult journey all those affected need serious psychological support. The dedicated participation in the treatment, building cooperation, the relief of emotional burden; acceptance of the disease and the treatment (such as wearing a back brace, physiotherapy or the surgery itself), the improvement of self-image or body image, promotion of social inclusion, in one word turning a negative life event into a positive on can be the aim of our emotional work. This part of our work is supported with therapeutic recreation camps, lots of community and educational programmes, personal consultations and surgical preparation.


We regularly organize programmes and events which partly have educational aims (more information about the disease and its treatment) and provide psychological support.

In addition to our website, you can get more information on our social media platforms. Moreover, we often invite brace wearing children (both younger ones and teenagers) to different programmes, we have meetings with the parents, and in collaboration with professionals we organize doctor-patient forums for those who are about to undergo surgery.

For further information about our programmes, initiatives check our social media platforms, for informative articles click on our blog and contact us if you want to know more.

Photos from some of our previous programmes:

Fantasztikusan sikerült a februári "Korzettben is stílusosan !" eseményünk💗 A következő március 27.-én lesz amelyre...

Közzétette: "Vertebra Alapítvány" – 2022. március 2., szerda

Therapeutic recreation camps

Vertebra Foundation organizes therapeutic recreation camps for children with braces, who await or who have already been through surgery twice a year: in the summer and in winter.

We provide more information about our current camps on our blog, social media platforms and our website.

For further information about our programmes, initiatives check our social media platforms, for informative articles click on our blog and contact us if you want to know more.

Photos from some of our previous programmes:

Gerincferdülés miatt kezelés alatt álló (fűzőt viselő és gerincműtött) gyermekeknek szervezett élményterápiás program.

Közzétette: "Vertebra Alapítvány" – 2022. július 15., péntek


In recent years, our foundation has brought to life a community of thousands of children and adults with scoliosis. According to our slogan: we build on the strength of the community and we’re proud of it. We believe that in case of a disease or a difficult treatment method the load can be relieved and the difficulties can be shared. Social networks give strength, experiences and the feeling that we’re not alone and there’s someone out there we can turn to. We can announce proudly that many times some of the affected children in our camps and programmes becomes volunteers or helpers of the foundation. However, what makes the Scoli-case so strong is that the professionals (orthopaedists, spine surgeons, orthopaedic technicians and physiotherapists) are also active members of our community.

For further information about our programmes, initiatives check our social media platforms, for informative articles click on our blog and contact us if you want to know more.

The aim of surgical preparation

The aim of surgical preparation is to provide all the necessary information and psychological support. In general, patients have big faith in their doctors, but they aren’t brave enough to ask questions during examinations or they don’t have the time for it. We’re convinced that what we know, we fear less, which is why we’ve been organising consultations and preparation programmes for those affected for more than fifteen years. During the discussion – which usually lasts for one and a half or two hours and includes the family (parents) and the child we talk about the what we’ll happen in the hospital, after the surgery and in the future, but we also discuss some practical things to know and the emotional difficulties. Based on our experiences, by answering the patient’s and their family’s questions they’ll fear less and can face this challenge more consciously.

The consultation will be held by Barbara Schuster, psychopedagogist and affected patient, the head of Vertebra Foundation who will consult with the spine surgeon performing the treatment.

You can sign up at

Psychological consultation

As far as possible, we try to involve psychologists and life coaches in our patient supporting work as both conservative and surgical treatment of scoliosis means a huge emotional burden and a major test for the affected families.

Please, contact us for current information.