Our publications
Barbara Schuster: Gerincferdülés és ami mögötte van (Scoliosis and all that lies behind)
It’s an awareness-raising publication about scoliosis and the most important information regarding its treatment, but the book also addresses psychological characteristics (adolescence, the role of parents, the difficulties of accepting treatment, the importance of the peer community, psychological aspects of surgical treatment etc.) and some special questions (wearing a brace as a child; the situation of children on the verge of surgery etc.) in connection with scoliosis.
Vertebra Foundation offers publications on scoliosis treatment at www.scolirodalom.hu which can be ordered together with a special discount.
Barbara Schuster: A hátam mögött (Behind my back)
“I recommend this book primarily to those who already have some (or much) information, experience about scoliosis and its treatment either as a patient or as a professional. However, here and now they aren’t provided professional information, but a more subjective image, impression about this case. All wrapped up in an absolutely personal approach, filtered through individual feelings and experiences from someone who’s been involved and been helping this cause for 15 years. Besides, I really hope this book conveys some kind of value or message to every reader – let it be a helper or someone interested – who aren’t affected in scoliosis, but they welcome the experiences, life stories and feelings listed here with an open heart and a nice response.”
Vertebra Foundation offers publications on scoliosis treatment at www.scolirodalom.hu which can be ordered together with a special discount!
Segítség, fűzőt kaptam (Help, I’ve got a back brace)
This book is a result of collections of letters and memories from children and young people who have been involved in wearing braces as a treatment. The authors of this book, the children with braces are part of a long, arduous and challenging struggle that requires great perseverance and persistence and we believe that their achievements deserve huge respect and attention. Although, scoliosis is a musculoskeletal disease, based on our experiences, the majority of children thinks of their disease and compulsory brace wearing more as a mental test than as a physical problem: the physical lesions and wearing a conspicuous medical supply, the brace all mean difficulties to them. This is how we – and their peers – would like to help them: maybe all these joyful, inspirational or on the contrary, moving stories will help them accept life with a brace and make them see the positive side of it.
The publication is only available in an electric form at the moment can be downloaded for free here: :
Story books
Dani gerince meggyógyul (Dani’s spine heals)
This storybook prepares parents and children born with vertebral malformation for their surgery and the journey that awaits them. You can find more information about vertebral malformation on our other website: www.babacsigolya.hu)
Hanna, egy “páncélos” kislány története (Hanna, the girl in armour)
Hanna’s story was written for preschoolers with braces and their parents.
We published both storybooks for the youngest age group in 2021 and we plan to continue this series in the future. These storybooks will be distributed free of charge and will not be sold commercially. For more information, contact us at info [kukac] gerincferdules.hu.
Alyson Gerber: Fűzőbe zárva (Braced)
We would give Braced to every teenager who first hears the diagnosis of scoliosis and the word “brace”. This book is an excellent summary of all the desperate struggle, the endless crying, but at the same time it shows how these brave teenagers go through scoliosis and overcome their borders. One thing is for sure: once you start it, you can’t put it down anymore. For the translation and for her enthusiasm for Rachel’s story, we owe a huge thank you to Blanka Medgyesi, who, we’ll tell you, sometimes cried or laughed together with Rachel. Thank you for the marvellous cover, Liza Csóti-Kálmán who as a former patient with brace knows perfectly what Rachel went through. We would like to thank Katalin Prommer, physio- and manual therapist for her professional observations (the American and Hungarian professional guidelines for the conservative treatment of scoliosis are so different that at first, we had a hard time adapting the professional issues of the book to Hungarian children without changing the text). Furthermore, we also own a great thank you to Alyson Gerber and her publishing house for their kind permission who considering these differences allowed us to translate the book differently from the original one at some points. The Hungarian title was the idea of Barbara Schuster who also edited the Hungarian text after the translation. All rights to the Hungarian edition belong to Vertebra Foundation. Thanks for everyone who collaborated with proofreading (Karolina Takács), with English correspondence, reading first proofs, creating the eBook format (Boglárka Pintér) and who kept the book going. We can’t wait to hear the feedback from our readers and we honestly believe that the scoliosis community, including the brace community has been enriched with a wonderful story.
The publication is only available in an electric form at the moment and can be downloaded for free here password: vertebra
Van-e neked TELESZKÓPOD?(Do you have a telescope?)
This book guides through parents and their children who started their surgical treatment at a young age because of severe scoliosis. Author: Barbara Schuster, psychopedagogist Illustration: Liza Kálmán, special needs teacher, volunteer Professional observations: Miklós dr. Tunyogi-Csapó
The publication is only available in an electric form at the moment and can be downloaded for free here:
Scoli magazine
The VERTEBRA FOUNDATION regularly publishes Scoli Magazines, which are not commercially available, but those concerned can obtain them in clinics, hospitals and our professional partners.